Wednesday, October 6

Country air.

 I've had such an awesome short break. We ate a lot of food and drank a lot of wine, and planted trees and went canoeing on the Murrumbidgee and horse riding and walking and fed the calf my folks are looking after, we soaked up the fresh air and quiet nights and it was blissful, so we day dreamed about moving to the country just that little bit more. Winter has been wet in the Riverina and so every ten minutes someone would comment on how green everything was. Tall grass with soft heads mixed in with yellow daisies and purple pattersons curse. We drove past the full river and luminous yellow canola fields and gorgeous foals on wobbly legs. MY nose got kissed by the sun, and all my clothes got filthy. All in all a super time!


  1. What a Life. I dream of that move all the time :)

  2. sounds like you had a great long weekend. will keep you posted about our little blogger meet up - it would be great to catch up over a glass of wine!

  3. Love your blog!! I hope you will visit or follow mine!


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