Tuesday, December 28

The year that was...

Ahhh New Years resolutions... First there is Determined December, then Joyful January, then comes Forgetful February, Melancholy March, Apathetic April and then really, lets face it, it's all over.
I'm feeling pretty good with the changes that have happened this year. It's been a tough one in many ways but so exciting in others, and I'm always looking forward to the future.

This year I have:
* Increased my printed word reading, a lot.
* Started exercising.
* Bought a new camera and taken many pictures.
* Resparked and made some new friendships.
* Had heaps of cooking adventures and experiments.
* Taken some baby steps towards our "dream future".
* Gone craft and creativity crazy.
* Fallen more in love (who would of thought it possible) with my husband.
* Written many lists
* Worked harder at work.
* Drunk less.
* oh yeah, been to Africa... that was this year. holymoly.
* Blogged A LOT.

What has your year looked like? Ticked any of those resolution boxes? Do share!
{1, 2, 3, 4}


  1. Well this year I have...
    Been very happy
    Found more faith, hope and grace
    Met a man
    Dated a man
    Found a best friend
    Fell in love
    Got engaged
    Conquered addictions
    Lost 2 stone
    Finally quit a horrible job
    Come to Australia
    Had an Aussie Christmas!

    Wow it sounds very epic when put all in a list lol!

  2. I didn't make any resolutions last year but this past year was awesome for these reasons:

    1. Made so many superawesomeamazing friends
    2. Really gelled with my Yoga practice
    3. Quit my job
    4. Now work in a place that feels like home :) with people that feel like family!
    5. Found so many perfect moments that it seems like the whole year was one perfect moment!
    6. Discovered a lot about myself that I kinda knew but never paid attention to
    7. Have two lovely sophie's in my life and what else could a girl want ;)

  3. Hey! Thanks for coming to post over at my blog! I am intrigued to find out you are a lighting lady. I am a costumier. Anyway, I am glad to have found your blog - I am super excited about Jonas too - but my resolutions? They include... Exercising ( boring but a big step for me!), planning an awesome wedding, finding a happy balance between work and home life, and spending more time in the kitchen. It's going to be a good year :)

  4. Yay all three of these are superb! Thanks lovelies! *s*

  5. Nice list of achievements ... it's great the year isn't quite over yet, so I'll try and cram in as much as I can into the next few days! ;)

    This year I have booked my trip to Japan, started an online vintage clothing business, blogged more than ever before, and celebrated my 10 year wedding anniversary ... that's about all I can think of for the moment.


Thanks, I love receiving comments! *s*