Wednesday, June 16

Around the interwebs: Posters

I keep coming across wonderously good posters at the moment. Here are some favourites:
 This is Ciara and she has a series of things her 3 year old daughter says. It gets me thinking that 3 year olds are pretty awesome. So are Ciara's postersFound Via The Ever Dazzling.

 The Small Stakes sell amazing band posters. Of really good bands too. I love the simplicty and the graphics:

Some work at Nottinghill station uncovered these 1950's advertisement posters. Taken by Mikey Ashworth over on Flickr. Found via someone else's blog but I can't remember whos any more...
Finally I found these from Felt and Wire just the other day. So beautiful. I am particularly in love with the perculator. Of course. Next birthday maybe?

*Around the interwebs* is a series of nice things to be spied around the net. I stumble upon all sorts of magical marvelous things in my travels and this is a great way to remember them all. More found here.

1 comment:

  1. I spent some time recently with my 3 year old niece and she reminded me that 3 year olds are my favorite people on the face of the earth. There is no better age to be or to be with. Love the posters.


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