Wednesday, April 28

Around the interwebs: Modern 50

Modern 50 is an amazing collection of stuff. Old stuff. If you like vintage this is *droooool* land for you. Here's a taster....
Drooling? Yep, you might wanna not do that on your keyboard...
I love the lamps so much... and the colour of that wall actually. Bit like "licorice" from Porters chalkboard paints...

*Around the interwebs* is a series of nice things to be spied around the net. I stumble upon all sorts of magical marvelous things in my travels and this is a great way to remember them all. More found here.


  1. geeeez, that's a nice collection of stuff! I think I want all of it, especially the light globe lamp and the orange clock and the pharmacy sign..... nice eye candy indeed :)

  2. The lamps are absolutely amazing (especially the first one). Hmmm -- vintage at 50? I'll be vintage soon (well, eventually lol).


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