Sunday, January 24

We wish to welcome you to Muzungu land.

I am back from the cycling trip but am minus my notebook to keep on writing out each blow by blow account of the days. So this is a brief interlude to say hello and hug my dear sweet friend the internet.We are writing this from a mall that seems to be where all the Muzungu (white people) in Uganda are hiding. Its quite astounding to come face to face with blue eyes again and not be stared at (in horror by small children, wonderment by older ones). I am also sipping an averagely okay coffee. *heart it races*
It is also a a shock to the wallet when a meal here costs the equivalent of US$5 rather than US$1. Ouch!!!

So I have this weird dilemma where I want to keep my travel stories in order of events on the internet but actually cant (the lack of notebook situation). I havent even written about Kenya yet and that was 3 weeks ago!! (It was cool - but I like Uganda better as a country!) So do I mess with the interweb cosmos and publish things in the order they actually happened in reality - meaning that it will be hard for others to find things I have written - but make more sense to me as I reflect... or do I just write things down as I get the chance? Chances are I will be updating this with events long after they happened and in no particular order. My slightly obsessive compulsive side wants things to appear on the internet in the order they actually happened... may be I can just tell you all to go back and look at it then...

Never the less, briefly: We are still here. The bike trip finished we went white water rafting on the Nile yesterday.  It was the most incredible bestest fun ever, but hurt my body heaps more than 10 days of cycling. Tomorrow we head out West again to Kamwenge (google earth it!) to begin our voluntourism! It seems every other traveller we meet here is doing some kind of volunteering. Literally. Every single one. Not that that's a bad thing.

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