Tuesday, June 26


* Walking through Hyde Park in the rain I bought myself some jonquils - I just can't resist their smell.
* In other news, I've bought a kitchen sink and was on the whole quite restrained on the Ikea trip to do so.
* I see my husband in 2 more sleeps - 10 days is about the maximum I can handle I reckon.
* I've joined twitter and Instagram - thanks to the new phone. I'm loving Instagram - but not hooked by twitter (yet!)
* I've been cramming in coffee's with Sydney friends - it's lovely (and so is the coffee).
* You will (hopefully begin to notice some little changes around here. I tried to get my blog redesigned by someone else a while ago - but after several hiccups I have thrown in the towel and am attempting it myself. Well I'm attempting the creative bit and husband has gallantly volunteered to do the technology bit. Phew.

1 comment:

  1. Such a great photo of Hyde Park- I almost didn't recognise where it was! See you swoon lovely, hope the sink got there okay! xxo


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