Sunday, January 29

One week in.

We have now been living here for one week. It's been massive... and expensive. Yeah... setting up a house is ex-pen-sive. Yikes. But. It is super nice having *new* things. A new broom and dustpan, a new bin, new pots and pans, and precious things out to use. Things we were given as wedding presents and had left in there packaging because we would hate for someone else to break them. 

Now that we are pretty much unpacked, today we've made ourselves stop. Aside from giving the house its first proper clean (Bev I have shiny wooden floors you would be drooling after!) we're making an effort to meet people, and do fun stuff. 

What else about this place? Every night magic happens. Every night the sunset has been like the pictures. It's blowing our minds! The day time pictures are from Australia day. The pool is my parents, not ours... but now that they're just around the corner... it is kinda ours... tehe! And it's friggen hot so its a most welcome thing. 

Okay so I keep promising pictures of the house and I'll deliver soon! I've picked out some paints so there are gonna be some before and after action as well!


  1. The third photo kinda looks like you've moved to Egypt :-)

  2. Clean floors! LOVE it. Sounds great so far...

  3. Awwwww it looks freaking amazing!! Cant wait to visit and see all the cool stuff you guys have done.. :)


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