Friday, January 7

Link love for Friday...

* All the things you never knew you could do with dough.
* Minimalising products. I love the changes, what about you?
* Beards of epic proportions.
* All these art works are done with just a typewriter...
* A cheeky way to do graffiti...
* Rate your day. Every day.
* Great Moleskin advert...
* The most amazing toilet rolls you ever did see...
* Beautious and ingenious suitcases.
* Stunning house design.
Plus my new favorite song... (even though it's old)


  1. Can you believe I've only just discovered 'The National' ?!?!? I know, I know ... but surely it's a case of better late than never - I'm really loving them now! :)

  2. Me too, Id heard of them and knew I'd almost certainly like them, but we only just got an album and now I want them alllllll!!!!!! *s*


Thanks, I love receiving comments! *s*