Friday, November 26

Link love for Friday*

My dears it's been too long! Here are some lush things from around the glorious world that is the internet!
* He is coming!!!
* Great article about why books are all too long these days.
* Check out these completely amazing grandma photo's.
* Online mag packed full of good christmas ideas... 'gifted'
* Wicked good black and white text prints.
* GENIUS pancake making.
* A cheeky little book (not for the religiously faint hearted.)
* Beautiful globes with extra art.
* There are a traboccant of words out there that aren't as fortunate as 'you'... adopt a word today.
* And whilst thinking of words lets look at letters...
* Slightly depressing and scarily real images of a future London...
* Oh and you all need this video in your life. {via Candycranks}

1 comment:

  1. Excellent list as always!! I recently adopted "blatteration" and have been trying to use it at every opportunity:)


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