Sunday, June 10

Flea Market Finds*

Yesterday for my birthday Tim and I went for a drive out to some of the quainter towns around here. There are some top notch antique and junk shops plus a lovely coffee shop too. And we scored! A beautiful and quite old wicker rocking chair - perfect for the front verandah (just need a shot gun to polish now!) and knobs for our one-day-to-exist kitchen - awesome 50s vibe yes?! And they were a peasly $2.50 each! Bonus!

Linking up with Her Library Adventures...


  1. Wow - that vintage rocking chair is gorgeous!!

  2. Great rocking chair! Love the combination of metal and wicker.

  3. Holy canisters! Love the chair and can't wait to see the knobs in your new kitchen!

  4. Coolamon & Ganmain? ;) Ace stuff, can't wait to see your new kitchen. Drove past your street this am very early after dropping P to the airport and thought of you xx

  5. That chair is so great! You have such a knack for finding awesome vintage stuff!

  6. That wicker rocking chair is great!


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