Monday, March 21

Cupackes on a rainy day...

Because it's been raining so much, I'm even more inclined than usual to bake. I had some leftover butterscotch (stranger things have happened...) so I made Nigellas cupcakes with added butterscotch and cream cheese icing. Mixed with a cup of dark coffee to sip... it's not a bad way to kill some time while the rain patters on the roof and the garden leaves.


  1. Mmmm butterscotch and black coffee, what a combo! How good has this weather been for baking!

  2. My goodness, they sound delicious. Nigella sure knows how to make a wonderful cupcake ... if it's cooler in Brisbane over the weekend, I may just make a batch myself! :)

  3. Mmm, they look delish! :)


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