Saturday, January 22

Things to be thankful for*

* Red wine and how it makes conversation flow
* Being made dinner.
* A proper two day sunshiney weekend.
* Lovely people who comment on my blog.
* How quickly sunflowers grow
* A good book to sink into.
* A nothing but supportive family.
* Sweet potato. I love sweet potato.
* Making new friends.
* Soap.

{Things to be thankful for is a list I started when I began blogging. It helps me reflect on my week and remember all the good things in my life. I would love it if you played along too, leave a link below or comment and link to me on your post. *s*}   


  1. Loving today's list ♥

    I am also thankful for soap :P

  2. How lovely was this weekend? Perfect weather, so relaxing! I have also really appreciated it. I also like soap. :)

  3. Great list!! How amazing are sunflowers - we grew some last year and I swore I could see them grow in the space of an hour! mmm, sweet potato ;)

  4. All lovely things to be thankful for. I love sweet potatoes too...and soap, actually, facewash. Oh yes, facewash.

  5. What a wonderful list of gratitude.
    Red wine, books and making new friends - that sounds like the perfect trifecta there! :)


Thanks, I love receiving comments! *s*