Saturday, January 15

Things to be thankful for.

 * We live in a country where if natural disaster strikes the government will fix it, they will contribute and they will send in the army quickly. (This is not New Orleans)
* We live in a country where if natural disaster strikes the general public will contribute and help more than just their neighbour. (This is not Pakistan)
* We live in a country where if natural disaster strikes our economy will suffer a bit but it won't fall apart. (This is not Haiti)
* The sunshine yesterday.
* A fun opening night catching up with old uni friends and free drinks.
* Cooked breakfast, coffee, all my housemates in the one room, rocking out to rage against the machine this morning. Awesome.
* Home grown carrots.
* Not having everything and therefore having stuff to look forward to.
* A small nugget of time that was spent alone reading this with the breeze blowing in the window.


{Things to be thankful for is a list I started when I began blogging. It helps me reflect on my week and remember all the good things in my life. I would love it if you played along too, leave a link below or comment and link to me on your post. *s*}  


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. We are blessed to call Australia home.

    And hello home grown carrots. Yum.

  2. I was only talking about looking forward to stuff the other day. How no one saves up anymore, all gratification must be instant, do not pass go, do not collect £200. So glad there are others who love a bit of anticipation.

  3. great list.

    and you're right, it is nice to not have everything and want something. little goals are what keep you motivated every day and that;s important.


Thanks, I love receiving comments! *s*