Saturday, June 12

Things to be thankful for.

* The sunshine.
* All the lovely birthday wishes, cards and gifts I received.
* New music that is rocking my life. On a side note: I love dramatic over emotional music. Florence, you are amazing!
* The art of breakfast.
* My bicycle. I think it makes me appreciate the city I live in more. I'm so glad I dont have to rely on public transport, I'm so glad that getting from a - b means that im exercising without having to call it that!
* The 2 lovely boys I live with for being culinary geniuses.
* The 2 lovely girls I live with for being sweet, enthusiastic and extremely cuddely.
* Flowers. I love flowers. They make me so happy.
* People that keep their word. It's a really good trait.
* The little hatch onto the roof at work, where I can sit and read and drink coffee and get some vitamin D without getting cigarette smoke in my face.

1. Night time shadows
2. A strawberry I found on the ground!
3. Cooking rhubarb muffins
4. My birthday breakfast (note awesome birthday jacket from the boy!)

{things to be thankful for is a post I do every Saturday. It helps me sum up my week and remind myself of all the good things in my life. Feel free to play too and leave your *thankful's* in the comments or a link to yours on your blog. I will definitely check it out. *s*}  


  1. Things to be thankful for - a precious Sophie in your life. Everyone really needs one xxx

  2. Happy belated Birthday! It looks like such a beautiful week. x


Thanks, I love receiving comments! *s*