Monday, September 1


In the pipeline....

This baby of mine - a little wishful project. I'm attempting to take this passion of mine seriously and, with some amazing cheerleaders by my side, I'm taking the plunge tentatively getting my toes wet. Heck it's got a professional looking logo and a proper URL - that's something right??? I'm slowly notching up some weddings to my name - and well, there are plants growing if not flowering yet... From little things big things grow... I'll be posting flowery updates there if you're interested, and y'know on fbook too.

I did say babies didn't I? Well yes it's true, there's a human one brewing too... hi little person!

Today is the due date of our first baby and it is bittersweet, but mostly oh so sweet, to have this little one doing so well. Such a relief in fact. I (we) feel so so so lucky to be at this stage (15 weeks now)... at this stage.

So you may just find me blogging here more again with this thing happening. Something happy. Something not secret.

This is of course a hot topic, but blogging has changed so much, and in a way it may have come full circle... only a few dedicated old school (?) folks actually reading - maybe commenting (!!!) - and blogging becomes about the blogger again - not being the content provider for the reader.

I think with these two babies brewing, I'm pretty okay with that. I even have a bump photo to post!


  1. So happy for you! Two babies, how wonderful. I'll be reading along through both these new ventures you have happening. Your blog is for you, it's your little happy place and never worry about what your readers want. I've learned that over my 7 or so blogging years. Just enjoy.

  2. So very happy for you and still reading your blogs... Looking forward to catching up in October and watching your 'babies' development...

  3. Congrats! I look forward to reading more of your thoughts!

  4. Wonderful news on both accounts - felicitations! Still here, still reading :)

  5. Weeeeee! So happy for you and Tim, congratulations! Wonderful news! x

  6. Tried to comment on your earlier post, but it hasn't come up. Hopefully this one does. Many, many congrations. Losing babies and then learning of new ones is a hard process, but oh so exciting. The second trimester is wonderful! all the feeling good, fun to dress bump and none of the morning sickness or "oh my god nothing fits! and when is this baby coming anyway!?" of the third. Enjoy. And many congratulations on the other baby, too. (I haven't clicked the link so that's going to be a surprise for me).


Thanks, I love receiving comments! *s*